
SITES International working group on Conflicts


Conflicts are on the rise worldwide, along with multiple natural and man-made shocks. This working group delves into the complex dynamics between natural and man-made shocks and conflicts across various institutional landscapes. Although the causal relationship may in selected cases go from conflicts to other shocks such as asset destruction and price spikes, the focus of this working group is mostly on the relationship from shocks other than conflicts and the emergence of conflicts. Specifically, this working group activity aims at testing the dependence of various forms of social instability, like social riots, non-state conflicts, and civil conflicts, on climate-induced shocks.

In fact, over the past decade a growing body of empirical literature has explored the climate-conflict nexus, unveiling multiple causal paths. In particular, it is argued that the effects of a changing climate deeply impact on production systems (Creti, Delacote & Leblois, 2021) and socio-economic structures hindering local development (Caruso, Petrarca & Ricciuti, 2016), stimulating human displacement and migration (Maurel & Tuccio, 2016; Withagen, 2014) and increasing the probability of inter-group conflicts (Hegre et al., 2016; Hodler & Raschky, 2014). Within this scenario, weak institutional settings can boost grievances and reinforce multidimensional inequalities, amplifying the negative impacts generated by economic disruptions and, thus, making violence outbreak more likely.

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Working Group

WG on Climate Change and Conflicts

University of Florence, Department of Economics and Management (UNIFI)

• Donato Romano 

• Luca Tiberti

• Tulia Gattone




The working group activities span from research, to teaching at postdoc level and dissemination of research results through a series of webinars/workshops.

1. Research: Current research activities are developed within the framework of the following projects:

• PRIN Project “Climate Change, Violent Conflicts, and Welfare: A Multi-Scale Investigation of Causal Pathways in Different Institutional Contexts – CC2C”, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Università di Firenze:

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2. Postdoc teaching: Most teaching activities are organized within the framework of the following PhD programs:

• Development Economics and Local Systems (DELoS), University of Florence:

• DIN Peace Studies, University of Rome La Sapienza

3. Webinars: Current webinars series include the following seminars:

• CC2C PRIN Project webinar series:

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4. Workshops and Conference

• Workshop on “Conflicts, Violence and the Economy”, June 3-4, 2024, at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

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