Impact Evaluation of Development Policies: Concepts, Methods, Applications

26 Jun

Description and Objectives

Causality with Observational Data and Evaluation of Social Program

The course will be held in collaboration with ICID and CEIS of the University of Rome Tor Vergata

The course will be held at … during the period XXX. It will introduce students to the following topics … Impact evaluation consists in comparing the outcomes of interest of those having benefitted from a social program with those of a group similar in all respects to the treatment group, except that it has not been exposed to the social program. The impact evaluation assesses the size of the effects, such as the average impact, to identify the factors that contributed to the success of a social program. The course offers a balanced combination of lectures, case studies, group work, and hands-on exercises.


The module on the impact evaluation of social programs explains how randomized evaluations can be used to evaluate social and development programs in the following order:

  • Introduction to causal analysis and counterfactual evaluation
  • Design of randomized evaluation
  • Different methods for including randomization into project design
  • Statistical matching techniques
  • Techniques for the analysis and interpretation of results
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis for informed policy making
  • How to maximize policy impact
  • Case-study analysis of successful evaluations across the Mediterranean.


DateHourTopicTeacherOther Info


Bachelor / Master / Ph.D. in Economics, Statistics, Mathematics and similar.

Previous experience in STATA or R and in the area of Data design and Analysis is a benefit.


Fees will be paid with a bank transfer. For more information ask the Secretary Beppe Folloni at



Pricing Policy

ParticipantClasses in presenceClasses online
Student / AccademicPrice #1Price #2
Public/Private Sector EmployeePrice #3Price #4


SITES wishes to thank … for financial support.

Board of teachers

Organizing commitee

  • Federico Perali / Università di Verona
  • Martina Menon / University of Verona
  • Giulia Montresor, University of Verona
  • Lucia Schiavon, University of Verona
  • Eleonora Matteazzi, University of Verona

Logistics and lodging information


